This is a question many small businesses tend to tuck towards the back of their ‘to do’ list weeks in and out. No matter the size of your business, it needs to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. When a natural disaster strikes, those prepared just might be able to keep operating.
Creating an effective natural disaster survival plan may actually determine whether your business survives long term. While one cannot predict sudden severe weather, having a business continuity (BC) plan in place is responsible risk management.
Imagine what a disruptive impact something such as a fire or flood would have on your day-to-day operations. Maintaining off-site backup of data, applications and server images will make it easier to continue doing business on a remote site should your place of business suffer temporary, extended or permanent damage.
Advance arrangements for ‘next-day workspace’ will allow your employees to quickly regroup and handle all the things that make your business successful. You should also ensure that your business be insured properly to cover such expenses.
Major storms, such as the ones experienced in Houston and Puerto Rico last year, can affect an entire region for long periods. Things such as communicating with customers or suppliers in advance that there might be some service interruptions and what the protocol will be should this occur.
The inability to fill quotas affects sales and restoring IT operations in the cloud and/or at a site sufficiently to another location unaffected by the storm. This restoration may require evacuation of key IT personnel out of the storm so that they can continue to work remotely from their laptops even if the area’s mobile data services are interrupted.
Posting alerts to customers, partners, employees and suppliers on your website to keep everyone informed before and after natural disaster strikes will help all involved get through the crisis. Being proactive by communicating the potential for a disruption and the steps being taken to avoid that disruption.
Want to Learn More?
Download this eBook, “Natural Disaster Survival Guide for Businesses; A Quick Reference for Business Leaders”
There are many factors in play when devising a Business Emergency Preparedness Plan, Click link below to download our eBook that summarizes the key factors in protecting your business and its data.
Businesses can’t afford to approach their IT issues haphazardly. They could lose vital files and data. That is why Omnimaven offers full on/off site backups in order to secure your data. One can never predict when a virus, natural disaster, fire or water damage might affect your data. Rest assured your data will be secure on our remote servers.